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Keeping the Office Safe: Coronavirus Update

Returning to office life during the time of the coronavirus does not come without risk. To keep employees safe, practical steps should be put in place to reduce the likelihood of the disease being able to spread through the office. 

With a new hyper-awareness of hazards to health for both employers and employees, it is vital that both parties work hand-in-hand to keep the office safe during coronavirus. Employers have the potential to be liable for sickness at work if COVID-preventative measures aren’t imposed correctly, and employees want to remain fit to work to support themselves financially. 

What does the ideal office look like at this time?


Hygiene at the heart

Hand-washing should be a priority in the workplace during this pandemic. Easily accessible sanitisers and soaps encourage employees to clean their hands regularly and prevent the spreading of germs through touching of handrails and shared appliances. 

As an employer, it is your responsibility to provide adequate risk protection to everybody on your business premises, and this includes cleaning supplies as protection from the virus. Simply encouraging hand washing isn’t enough, because germs can spread through the air and cover any surface. Even an unknowingly sick employee sneezing at a private desk has the potential to infect everybody in the workplace because those germs can spread through the air without an effective ventilation system and the interruption of fresh air. 

Windows should be open as much as possible, surfaces should be wiped of bacteria with antibacterial spray frequently, and social distancing should be practised by all employees and at desks. 

Deep cleaning by a professional should be carried out weekly while employees aren’t present, to remove dirt and bacteria missed during daily cleaning. The sharing of appliances should be at to a minimum, but if unavoidable, then they should be disinfected after every use. Everyday disinfecting is an employee responsibility, and it is reasonable to request that your staff maintains the wiping of equipment.


A thoughtful schedule

To maintain social distancing, you may consider introducing staggered lunch breaks, rotating days of different teams using meeting rooms, and alternating days between working from home and visiting the office for each employee. 

A great place to start is considering the risks of each room in your office building. If your kitchen is small, no more than two employees are going to be able to enter at once. If the desks in your salesroom are tightly packed with no room for movement, half of the team will need to work from home per day. The space that you have will dictate the approach you’ll need to take in having employees return to an office with COVID-secure procedures

A detailed cleaning schedule could also be beneficial for your office space. Making sure that time is allowed for kitchens or bathrooms to be inspected every hour and cleaned at least twice a day could be vital in deterring the spread of any infection. A schedule also lets employees know when each room won’t be available, so toilet breaks or kitchen trips can be finished before the cleaning is supposed to begin. Such a schedule serves as a record of what your business is doing to stop the spread of coronavirus.


Temporary measures

With an understanding of the virus continually developing, it is reasonable to decide you aren’t quite ready to invest money in permanent coronavirus protection yet. Disposable screens for between desks are a great measure to put in place to enforce social distancing and prevent germs from spreading across desks, even though they are a temporary measure.

Disposable cups, plates and cutlery may also be something to consider in the short term, as it minimises time employees spend in the kitchen and is more hygienic than relying on your employees to properly clean office drinkware. Even removing plates and drinkware altogether and instructing employees to manage their own cups and plates is a temporary measure that may benefit the office in the very beginning.


When reintroducing your employees to an office environment, your business premises need to be carefully considered and arranged to protect all staff. Professional deep cleaning should be carried out weekly to remove any bacteria missed by daily sweeps. 

It is your responsibility to provide cleaning supplies to your workers, both for themselves and for worktop surfaces. Failure to do so could result in a justified complaint from an employee, or closure of your business after an unsuccessful inspection. 

Keep your office as happy as possible by being thoughtful about layout, supporting social distancing and encouraging all employees to practise good hygiene.

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3 Home Maintenance Mistakes to Avoid

Running a home is no easy task, as building maintenance costs time and money. As with all commitments, though, potential problems are best fixed as soon as they’re noticed. With close care, you can keep your home running as smoothly as possible by avoiding emergency repairs and pre-empting issues that could cost you time to correct in the future. 

Have some consideration for the future you, and read our list of 3 home maintenance mistakes to avoid so that you can save yourself the hassle. 


Not servicing your boiler annually.

Your boiler is the heart of your home, providing heat to all your radiators and hot water to your taps. Without proper care and attention, your boiler could start to leak or have too high or low a pressure to work your central heating. Central heating is vital in keeping your property a comfortable temperature, not too warm or too cold. 

Without the removal of limescale and debris during a boiler service, your boiler can also become very noisy and distracting – which nobody enjoys!

All these problems are easily avoided if you ensure your boiler receives an annual service, at least. A well-running boiler is particularly important in preparation for the winter months, where preserving and maintaining heat inside your home is more necessary than ever.


Not preparing for winter

Maintaining your insulation, preparing your pipes and testing your boiler are all vital steps to making sure your home thrives during the winter. Repairing leaks and gaps in your property structure is vital for protection from harsh weather. Your home’s heat retention will make a great deal of difference to your bills during the colder months.

In the long run, it may be worthwhile to re-fit your windows with triple glazing before the frost hits. Triple glazing will keep your home as warm as possible, as much less heat escapes through the glass. Despite the initial cost of purchase and installation, you won’t have to spend as much on heating to maintain a comfortable environment at home.


Not deep cleaning your property

Illness can be just as costly financially, leaving you bedridden and unable to work, as having to pay for a repair. For this reason, it’s equally important to keep your property as clean as possible as it is as secure as possible. Something as simple as mould growing in a damp area of your home could easily cause a health problem which could have been avoided.

Avoid problems such as aspergillosis from mould, and sickness from invisible germs like E. coli, within your home by considering an annual deep cleaning session. Deep cleaning attacks dirt in the areas of your property that you wouldn’t even consider checking, like around your windows and behind the fridge! This deep cleaning prevents the growth of substances like mould and preserves the materials of your house. Checking for mould as the potential for structural damage is much more cost-effective than a rebuild.

Mould removal is much more costly than mould prevention, and the damage to your building structure in that damp environment could mean an even more expensive repair still. Stopping potential hazards in their tracks before they fully develop is key to effective home maintenance.


Nothing is worth more than a happy and healthy home all year round. Being careful to perform routine maintenance for your property is key to avoiding big repairs, as much as possible. Seek the advice and service of a professional in areas where you are not experienced or confident because dangerous DIY mistakes aren’t worth making. 

The assurance of hiring an experienced team like ours for property maintenance is invaluable, as you can be sure that your property is smoothly running at best capacity. 

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Is Integrated Facilities Management Right for You?

Facilities management can take up a lot of time and effort for a business and it’s important to get it right. It’s a key aspect of running a successful business and if you’re struggling with time to effectively manage your business facilities, then a facilities management service may be a good idea. If you’re still unsure, we’ve put together a handy list of pros and cons, as well as what facilities management actually is.


What is Facilities Management?

Facilities management is the process of integrating multiple or all aspects of looking after a commercial property. This can be anything from fire door installation jobs to building and refurbishment works. Facilities management services can be tailored to suit your business needs, from one or two jobs, to multiple jobs over a longer period. They allow you to focus your attention on other aspects of the business rather than worrying about what needs to be done to the actual property.


Pro: Increased Expertise

By using a facilities management service, you know you’re getting access to a team of professionals who are experts in their field. This is often much more cost-effective than hiring internally or doing it yourself. With a facilities management service, you’re paying solely for the jobs they’re carrying out and you also don’t have to worry about the training time or costs of yourself or an internal hire.

Con: Costs Can Vary

In the previous point, we talked about how paying for a facilities management service can often be more cost-effective than hiring internally. Whilst this can be true, by hiring internally, you know exactly what you’re paying for as you’re likely to be paying an annual salary. With a facilities management service, you may pay for one or two services before realising that there are more jobs that need to be completed – this could cost you more when paying for services individually.


Pro: Timesaving

As a business owner, you often won’t have time to carry out work such as the jobs we’ve discussed above. This is where using a facilities management service can be useful; essentially, all you’ll need to do is discuss with the team what needs doing and before you know it, you’ll have one less thing to worry about! Doing this can massively save you time, allowing you to focus on other aspects of the business that require your attention.

Con: Less Control

A disadvantage of using a facilities management service is that you will have less control over the work. Of course, this will always be the case when you hire someone or a team of people to do a job. Ultimately, doing the job yourself is usually the only way of ensuring full control over the work, which, as we’ve discussed earlier, also has its drawbacks.


Pro: 24/7 Assistance

At Kiasu Workforce, we ensure that our team are on hand 24/7 so you can be confident you’re getting the best possible service. If you use existing staff to work on facilities management, they will usually only be available during office hours, which often isn’t suitable for a lot of businesses. That’s where outsourcing your facilities management can be useful, as you know that whenever you need us, we’ll be there.


Deciding whether or not facilities management is right for you can be a big decision. There are a lot of factors to consider such as savings, cost, and time; ultimately though, only you as the owner of your business can tell if it’s a good idea. If you do decide that facilities management is right for you, give us a call on 020 8988 1662 or email us.

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Electric Car Charging – What You Need to Know

Choosing which car to buy can be a daunting decision, yet more buyers than ever before are opting for an electric car. There are so many advantages to this, not least being better for the environment and your wallet (they’re much cheaper to maintain!), and thus an electric car is an appealing option to many.

However, a lot of people have questions about charging their car; from where to find electric car charging points, to the time it takes to charge the car. If you’re interested in finding out the answers to these questions and more, then this handy guide will detail everything you need to know.


Are there different types of chargers?

Electric cars will usually have either a type 1 or type 2 connector for slow and fast charging. For rapid charging via a direct current, they will usually have CHAdeMO or CCS connectors. When out and about, you’ll notice that the majority of slow and fast charging points will have a type 2 socket and most rapid charging points will have a cable already attached. Many electric car owners will go onto purchase a portable charging cable that matches their car’s connection type; this is handy as it means you can charge on public networks.


Where can I find electric car charging points?

Luckily for electric car drivers, there is an ever-growing network of charging points up and down the country so you’re never too far away. Many shopping centers, office car parks and even some public transport car parks have electric car charging stations; meaning that it’s unlikely you’ll have the worry of your car breaking down due to lack of available charging points!

However, sometimes you may have a long journey ahead or perhaps you’re in an unfamiliar place and are unsure of where to charge your car. This is where sites such as Zap-Map come in handy – they allow you to see where charging stations are located across the UK as well as plan your route ahead to allow you to incorporate charging stops into your journey.


Can I install an electric car charging point in my home?

Installing an electric car charging point in your home can be surprisingly easy and affordable. The average cost to install a charging point in your home is £1000; however, with a £500 government grant as well as a £300 grant from the Energy Saving Trust – the price can be as low as £200!

Although your electric car can technically be charged via a regular domestic socket, it’s not usually recommended as this will significantly increase charging time. The two options that will usually be available are universal socket or tethered. A universal socket is compatible with all plug-in electric cars and is used with a portable cable. A tethered charging point comes with a permanently attached cable. Whilst the tethered option is more convenient due to the pre-existing cable, the universal socket is ideal for multiple cars or cars with different connection types.


How long does an electric car take to charge?

The time it takes for an electric car to charge can vary greatly; it will depend on the size of your car’s battery, as well as how powerful the charger is. There are three options when charging your electric car: slow charging, fast charging, and rapid charging.

Slow charging is the process of charging your car via a regular domestic socket. As discussed earlier, this is by far the slowest option and will usually take around 8 hours. Fast charging at 7kW typically takes around half the time of the slow charging option; fast chargers can vary from delivering 7kW of power to around 22kW, with the latter being able to provide a near to full charge in a couple of hours for certain cars. With rapid charging, it can take just 30 minutes to charge your car from 0-80% – however, it’s important to note that rapid charging is usually the most expensive way to charge your car, which brings us onto pricing.


How much does it cost to charge my electric car?

The cost of charging your electric car can vary massively and mainly depends on charging station, type of car and type of charger. When charging at home, many energy companies will offer reduced rates at night, making this ideal for charging your car overnight while you sleep. Still though, the cost widely varies, and the overall cost can be as little as a few pounds overnight to over £10 during the day for a full charge, making the average likely to be somewhere in the middle.

Luckily, many public charging points such as in supermarkets and shopping centres offer charging free of charge for the length of your stay, this is also sometimes the case in office carparks. As previously mentioned, rapid charging is usually the most expensive way to charge your electric car, with the cost averaging around £6-£8 for a 30-minute charge.


Buying an electric car (or any car for that matter!) is a big decision. Ultimately you need to choose one that’s right for you and your lifestyle; however if you do feel an electric car is for you, then the questions we’ve answered today are sure to give you a step in the right direction when you’re looking to charge your car.

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Is My Repair Person Qualified?

When a home repair emergency arises you need a quick solution. But don’t simply pick the first emergency plumber or boiler repair service you see. Different home repair tasks require certain qualifications and an under-qualified repairman may cause more damage than good. Poor repairs can be dangerous and potentially fatal. You wouldn’t try to fix your own boiler without the necessary knowledge, so why wouldn’t you check if your repairmen have the relevant qualifications.

If you’re unsure what qualifications to look for, don’t panic. We have listed some of the most important and commonly needed home repair qualifications below. In this guide, we will cover qualifications for electrical work, boiler repair and plumbing. 


Boiler Servicing and Repair

All boiler repairs should be carried out by a gas safe engineer. Even in an emergency, do not attempt repairs yourself or have anyone other than a Gas Safe approved engineer attempt to fix the problem. There are 24/7 emergency boiler repair services available no matter where you are so there is no reason to have repairs or boiler servicing carried out by anyone other than a gas safe engineer. You can check if your engineer is Gas Safe certified at


Electrical Repairs, Servicing, and Installations

The risks involved in electrical work are high, which means they should only be handled by an expert. There are a selection of electrical testing and inspection services, many of which are mandatory. All of them should be carried out by a qualified professional. PAT testing for instance simply requires that the person should have adequate knowledge of electricity and electrical works and meet a few more criteria. There is no mandated qualification. Nonetheless, PAT testers will generally take PAT training.

Fixed wire testing, on the other hand, does require a City and Guilds qualification. The C&G 2391 offers a few different awards – Level 3 Award in Initial Verification of Electrical Installations and the Level 3 Award in Periodic Inspection and Testing of Electrical Installations. The former allows an electrician to sign off work on new installations whilst the later allows for testing and inspecting existing installations. These can also be earned in a combined qualification – C&G 2391-52 Level 3 Award in Initial and Periodic Inspection and Testing of Electrical Installations.

There are several government-approved registered bodies for electricians. Not all bodies operate across all of the UK but the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC) is approved across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.



Typically the minimum standard qualification for plumbers is an NVQ level 2. Before NVQ qualifications, the main certificates were issued by City and Guilds, so you may find older plumbers are C&G-qualified instead. NVQ qualifications combine learning on the job (starting with smaller tasks under supervision) alongside college study. This means you can trust your plumber has hands-on practical experience. The most convenient way to make sure your plumber is qualified is to hire a member of the Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (IPHE) as all IPHE members are vetted. 


Repairs and testing should always be carried out by an appropriately qualified professional. Whether you are undergoing routine safety checks for your business or need emergency boiler repairs always make sure they are being carried out by someone with the correct qualifications. Using this guide as reference always check the qualifications of your repair people or work solely with a property maintenance and repair company you know you can trust.

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Domestic Cleaning Vs Deep Cleaning

Sometimes things just need an extra level clean up, something beyond the everyday cleaning routines we all go through. Whether you need to fight grime or are working to slow the spread of viruses a deep clean is the solution. Perfect for all manner of cleaning needs for both residential and commercial properties a deep clean is amazing but many are unsure what it is. In this guide, we will show you the differences between domestic clean and a deep clean and when the former isn’t enough, and you will need the latter instead.


What Is Domestic Cleaning?

Domestic cleaning is the routine cleaning tasks carried out regularly. Whether daily or weekly, domestic cleaning is routine tasks like wiping down surfaces, emptying bins and mopping floors. Domestic cleaning is about maintaining cleanliness. It is about preventing cleaning needs from mounting up, but it is not about making sure every corner of the house is spotless and germ-free. Some commercial cleaning such as bin emptying in offices and cleaning bedding in hotels is also more akin to domestic cleaning than deep cleaning.


What Is A Deep Clean?

Deep cleaning, on the other hand, is a far more thorough clean often carried out less frequently or sometimes as a one-off. Using the highest quality products and cleaning tools, a deep clean can be used to clear a vacant building ready for workers or to clear up after construction or decorating. It can also be used on in-use buildings to deeply cleanse the property with the purpose of killing germs and preventing the spread of viruses. Deep cleans can be carried out in both commercial and residential properties.

Residential properties can usually get by with regular domestic cleaning except for the end of tenancy cleans – deep cleans which prepare the property for new tenants. From under the sink to behind kitchen appliances where grime can build up deep cleaning covers everywhere a domestic clean does plus everywhere, they don’t – so, everywhere.


When Do You Need A Domestic Clean?

Domestic cleans are part of most people’s regular routines. In addition to this, offices and hospitality services carry out some form of domestic cleaning. Even in large commercial kitchens where deep cleans are essential, regular domestic cleans including wiping down surfaces are also necessary.


When Do You Need A Deep Clean?

For commercial properties deep cleans are essential. In commercial kitchens where hygiene is a fundamental part of the businesses success deep cleans are must-have for ensuring cooking appliances and the overall kitchen environment is up to standard. During the Covid-19 pandemic as well as flu season offices and properties with many people also require deep cleans. A thorough clean using disinfectants which kill bacteria will prevent the spread of viruses significantly helping keep your workforce healthy.


Each routine cleans and one off deep cleans are essential to a well-rounded cleaning. From keeping things in order to limiting the spread of viruses, cleaning is vital, but you need a mix of domestic and deep cleans to tick all the boxes. Plus, some occasions call for something more than a regular clean. Whether you are a landlord making sure your property is ready for new tenants or a business making your office safe and protecting your employees, a deep clean will need a specialist deep clean team whilst you can either hire someone for domestic cleaning or take it on yourself. 

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Dealing With Damp – What You Need To Know

Damp is one of the worst parts of property maintenance. Unfortunately, damp is a common occurrence popping up seemingly everywhere. The second, we spot damp we want to deal with and in this guide will show exactly how to do that. From knowing where to look for it so you can fix it as soon as possible to clearing it and preventing it from coming back this guide covers everything you need to know.


Spotting Damp Early

Catching damp early will help you deal with it more easily. To spot damp before it grows into a larger scale problem you need to know where to look out for it. A good place to start is your walls, hold your hand on the wall and look for patches which feel cold or damp. Curling wallpaper and flaking paint can also be a sign of damp which is visible alongside specks of mould. For your ceiling look for discolouration particularly next to external corners. Bathrooms and kitchens are other prominent spots for damp and mould. Check the ceiling and walls as described above as well as grout and inside cupboards. Condensation and puddles of water on your window sills could be either a sign of damp or a potential cause. Mould can appear on window frames and on the sealant used around their edges.   


Removing Mould

To start your damp repair, use a mould removing solution and a sponge or cloth. Scrubbing away the mould is only part of the solution. You are still left with stains and the threat of the mould returning. Once you have cleared away the mould you should prioritise fixing the source. Damp occurs when warm moist air comes in contact with cold surfaces. Good ventilation and using a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture will take care of some of the problems. Secondly, keep your home warm to further mitigate damp occurring.


Repairing Damp Damage

Following this clear away any mould and allow the area to dry. Once dry you can repaint the area if applicable using damp seal paint. Stain blocker paint will help prevent any stains from coming through the new coat. For grout areas remove the mould, this may be sufficient. If, however, some mould stains remain on the sealant which cannot be removed, cut out the sealant. Replace the sealant with a mould-resistant alternative using a sealant gun.


Damp Proofing

More extreme damp proofing measures such as damp-proof membranes – a waterproof barrier placed under concrete floors – require specialist installation. Having a damp proof course was not placed into building regulations until 1875 so older buildings may not have them. However, more recent buildings have waterproof barriers in the external walls to prevent rising damp getting into the internal walls.  


Property Maintenance

Before we summarise this guide on repairing damp, it is important to mention that some of the tips in this post apply to a variety of property maintenance. Spotting damage early whether it is damp, or a kitchen sink leap is vitally important. Of course, repairs are specific to the situation and may require you to call a property maintenance company but, as with damp, taking preventative measures is often an option. 


Nobody wants to deal with damp (which is why we started with spotting it early before it becomes a problem) but sometimes it goes unnoticed and sneaks up on you. Leaving it unattended will only enable it to grow and for the damage to increase until you have a far bigger problem to deal with. With the tips in this guide, you will be able to spot, fix and prevent damp far easier in future.

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DIY Or Call A Professional? – Kiasu Workforce

Many handy DIY types like to do everything themselves. Some people can turn their hand to almost anything, but some things should be off-limits, even to them. In this post, we will point out some of the repairs you should leave to the experts, and a few you can try yourself.


Leave To A Professional

There are plenty of things that should be left to the experts; things that require years of training to fix and pose potentially huge consequences if mishandled. No matter how DIY-oriented you are, the three areas below should be left to people with the correct qualifications.



Unless you are a professional NICEIC certified tradesman trained to deal with wiring, stay far away. If you go meddling with wiring you risk losing power to the whole house and more importantly electrocuting yourself. The risks of messing with wiring when you are not professionally trained are far too high.



Plumbing is another area you should leave to the specialists. We are not talking about clearing out a clogged sink, that is easy enough. More serious plumbing work like pipe alterations and shower or toilet installations should be left in the hands of a professional plumber. The risk of flooding your home and causing damage which requires far more expensive repairs should be enough to sway you away from putting your DIY skills to the test where plumbing is concerned.


Gas Appliances

Gas appliances are out of DIYers jurisdiction. Whether you need oven repairs, or your gas laundry dryer is experiencing problems you should call properly qualified professionals. Gas boiler repairs should only ever be carried out by GAS Safe engineers with gas safety certificates.


If you are having immediate problems with any of the above which need fixing quickly call an emergency electrician, emergency plumber or emergency boiler repair provider.


Do It Yourself

We understand that you are compelled to fix things, and the first half of this guide may have taken the wind out of your sails, but safety has to come first. With that said, there are a few things you can give a go yourself without risking catastrophe.



Get out your overalls and paint roller because painting is definitely on the can-do list. Whether you want to add a splash of colour to a feature wall or repaint every wall in the house you have free reign with this

one. Of course, put some sheets so you don’t get paint all over the floor and use some masking tape to protect your skirting boards – or don’t. After all, we can handle a little paint far more than a flood or being electrocuted.

Be aware though, that once dry, you’ll have a very hard time indeed getting some paints out of anything. If it’s windy, any excess paint will fly off your brush if it’s thin enough – giving anything in the vicinity that classic “splattered” look.  These factors combined mean you could spend twice as long clearing as you do painting, so be careful and plan what you’re going to do first.


Cleaning Gutters

Provided you are physically fit, comfortable on a ladder and take care, you may choose to take on clearing out your guttering yourself. Guttering can sustain damage if not cleared. Somebody needs to do it and if you are DIY-orientated it could be a great task. It’s a routine piece of maintenance which doesn’t require a certification, just knowledge of the task and a healthy degree of caution. Do not get going without fully assessing the risks first and seek advice if unsure.


Small Scale Landscaping

Some small-scale landscaping is also a great option if you want to take your DIY attitude and soak up some sun at the same time. Again, leave bigger tasks like felling trees to tree surgeons and the appropriate professionals. However, mowing the lawn, levelling, laying turf and adding basic water features are on the cards. Furthermore, whilst laying paving slabs should be left to landscapers you could help with moving the slabs, digging and other such tasks (if you are physically able to).


When it comes to DIY you may have a lot of skill but there are some things which should be left to the professionals. That’s both for the quality of the work, and for your safety. However, there are plenty of ways to put your DIY skills to use too!

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Workplace Parking – Why It Is So Important

workplace parking

Your office car park is often the first interaction you will have in your working day. The experience can set the tone for the rest of your day or give any potential new clients the right or wrong impression. Arguably it is equally important as your reception desk, boardroom or office cleanliness. You might not realise a bad car park experience’s negative impact. Therefore we’ve written a guide to creating an unforgettable car park experience. 

Your office car park is fundamental to your employees’ and visitors’ experience. Most people coming into your office must first deal with your car park, from prospective new hires to potential clients. If someone has a bad parking experience, you may have to work harder to win them over.

Simply providing parking, whilst better than not, isn’t enough to win visitors and employees over. A poorly managed parking space can be very frustrating. However, a properly managed car park can make parking a breeze and ensure spaces are available for both guests and employees.

Clear Signage

An accurately signposted car park provides visitors with the necessary information and makes for a much safer environment. The signs should be easily visible and display essential visitor information. This can include opening times, assembly points in the event of a fire and car parking bays designated for visitors.  Signs should be visible before entering the car park, rather than the office entrance. Parking your car and entering reception can be frustrating to be told your vehicle is in the ‘wrong spot’ and has to be moved. Signage also refers to the appropriate car park and road marking. Refreshing car park bays and reinforcing worn-away road lines help to maintain order around your building. 

car parking sign

Stopping Rogue Parkers

Monitoring car park users is important, particularly if space is limited or you’re expecting potential clients. Employees, visitors and deliveries are welcome, whereas employees from the company over the road or shoppers are not. Rogue parkers can take up unnecessary space and force actual employees to find other parking. They’re also a lot less likely to adhere to any safety precautions you’ve put in place as they have no connection to the building. There are many ways rogue parkers can be prevented. This can include barriers that require a code or employee key card as entry or car park attendees managing the entrance and ensuring appropriate use. 

car parking barrier

Electric Car Charging Points

Providing electric car charging points can be a big selling point to prospective employees. Offering charging points is a great way to accommodate employees and visitors. Some still view installing electric car charging points as going a step above for your employees, which is a big win for you. 

However, as these charging points appear in more and more places, it is becoming typical to find them in workplace car parks. Eventually, they will be commonplace, and offering them will almost be expected.

electric car charging points

Alternative Transport And Carpooling

Supporting alternative means of transport besides car travel is a great way to lower the demand for parking spaces and reduce congestion. Consider adding a bike shelter to your facilities, for example. It opens up a great alternative mode of transport for employees. If car park congestion and carbon footprint are a concern for your business and you’re looking to encourage employees to cycle to work, you can consider offering an incentive ‘cycle to work’ scheme. 

Carpooling is another great way to reduce the demand for parking spaces. Implementing a carpooling scheme that rewards employees for carpooling with free parking or preferred parking, for instance, will help you accommodate more employees.

Carparks are an essential part of business premises. Whilst employees could use other nearby parking offering your own parking is certainly preferable. But only if you do it right. A person’s experience parking sets the tone for their time at your office. A bad parking experience could mean your employees start off the workday poorly, or visitors are put in a bad mood before you even have a chance to greet them. A good parking experience, on the other hand, could mean your employees start the day stress-free and your visitors arrive pleasantly relieved.  Contact our professional team of experts at Kiasu Workforce today for more information on how to refresh your car park environment and make it safer and work better for you. 



A Guide To Road Markings (Find Out How They Really Work)

Electric Car Charging – What You Need To Know

workplace parking

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